The Message of the Head of the Department

Dear Students

Nurses are with the individuals we care for in the life cycle from birth to death. Everyone in our society will definitely receive this service at least once or more in their lives.  Nurses believe that every human being is very valuable and unique and take an oath to provide nursing care to everyone under all circumstances regardless of religion, language and race.

We nurses, as members of an honorable profession, first love ourselves and then the individuals we care for with compassion and mercy.  Our Nursing Care Philosophy is not to do anything to those we care for that we would not want done to us. I sincerely congratulate you for being members of such a special and honorable profession.

As in all faculties and departments of our university, we train you as professional nurses with great enthusiasm with our esteemed professors in our Nursing Department. We are developing your problem solving, critical thinking, decision making and lifelong self-learning skills not only in nursing education but also in order to make you good people and good citizens. I would like to congratulate and thank all your professors for their contributions.

At the end of four years of education, we will send you off with honor to provide safe and quality service all over Turkey. However, we will not leave you alone after graduation, we will closely monitor and support you.

Our efforts to accredit our nursing education are progressing rapidly and we have submitted our application to HEPDAK. Our aim is to accredit IAU Nursing Department as soon as possible.

As IAU SBF Department of Nursing, we have been organizing international congresses every year since 2022, and we cooperate by introducing Istanbul Aydın Department of Nursing to the world's very high quality nursing faculties. As a department, we organize International Clinical Nursing Research Congres and International Home Care Congres every two years. This year, we will hold the '5th International Clinical Nursing Research Congres' on December 5-8, 2024. By enabling our domestic and international students to participate in these congresses, we enable our students to increase their experience in scientific research and presentation techniques.

We aim to contribute to the social sensitivity of our students by supporting them to take an active role in clubs, associations and councils within the school.

Postgraduate education opportunities in nursing are also provided under the umbrella of Istanbul Aydın University Graduate Education Institute. 

We invite our students who prefer us to improve the nursing profession and the quality of patient care in the light of science with our expert education staff.

Everything starts with loving a person...

                                                                                                       Prof. Dr. Zühal BAHAR
                                                                                                   Head of Nursing Department

güncelleme: 2.7.2024 17:02