Outstanding Achievement of our Public Relations and Publicity Department


<p style="text-align: center;">​<strong>FACULTY OF COMMUNICATION PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICITY DEPARTMENT ACCREDITED FOR A SECOND &quot;FIVE-YEAR&quot; PERIOD</strong><br/></p><p style="text-align: center;"><strong><br/></strong></p><p style="text-align: center;">The Evaluation and Accreditation Board for Communication Education(ILEDAK) has decided to grant a &quot;5-year accreditation&quot; to the Public Relations and Publicity Program of the Istanbul Aydın University&#39;s Faculty of Communication. ILEDAK&#39;s decision of accreditation was approved and ratified by the Board &amp; Staff of ILAD on April 4<sup rtenodeid="14">th</sup>, 2024, with decision number 2024/04. Furthermore, a Bachelor&#39;s Program of the Istanbul Aydın University, the Public Relations and Publicity of the Faculty of Communication has been accredited for a period of five (5) years started from April 8<sup rtenodeid="15">th</sup> 2024, to April 8<sup rtenodeid="16">th</sup> 2029, and has earned the right to receive Accreditation Certificate of ILAD. We congratulate our Head of Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Akbulut and all of faculty members for their outstanding achievements and we wish them continued success.<br rtenodeid="18"/></p>



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