<img alt="" src="/haberler/PublishingImages/iletisim-arastirmalari-dernegi-tarafindan-akredite-edildi-11-06-2024.png?RenditionID=11" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">

  Our Public Relations and Publicity Department has been accredited for the second time for a period of 5 years by the Communication Research Association (ILAD)


<p>​Istanbul Aydın University’s Faculty of Communication’s Public Relations Program, which has been accredited by the Evaluation and Accreditation Board for Communication Education(ILEDAK), has received its accreditation certificate from the President of ILAD, Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz with a ceremony. According to the self assessment report and on-site observations, the Public Relations and Publicity Program of Istanbul Aydın University’s Faculty of Communication has been accredited for the 5-year period starting from April 8th 2024 to April 8th 2029.</p><p><br/></p><p>The ceremony, which was held on June 10th 2024, at Istanbul Aydın University’s Block D Oval Saloon, was attended by Istanbul Aydın University’s Acting Rector Prof. Dr. İbrahim Hakkı Aydın, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Prof. Dr. Selahattin Yıldız, President of ILAD, Prof. Dr. Aysel Aziz, Vice President of ILAD Prof. Dr. Jale Sarmaşık, President of ILEDAK Prof. Dr. Recep Tayfun, Head of the Public Relations and Publicity Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Akbulut, associate deans, and faculty members of the department.</p><p><br/></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/accredited-for-the-second-time-for-a-period-of-5-years-by-the-communication-research-association/iletisim-arastirmalari-dernegi-tarafindan-akredite-edildi-1.jpg" alt="iletisim-arastirmalari-dernegi-tarafindan-akredite-edildi-1.jpg" style="margin: 5px; width: 500px; height: 376px;"/><br/></p><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/accredited-for-the-second-time-for-a-period-of-5-years-by-the-communication-research-association/iletisim-arastirmalari-dernegi-tarafindan-akredite-edildi-2.jpg" alt="iletisim-arastirmalari-dernegi-tarafindan-akredite-edildi-2.jpg" style="margin: 5px; width: 500px; height: 376px;"/><br/></p><p><br/><br/></p>



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