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<p>​</p><p> <strong>&quot;Wisdom Program&quot;, a special program for individuals over 60-years-old was organized in collaboration with our university and the Anatolian Education and Culture Foundation (AKEV). The program which now in its second year, graduated its first student in this year. The Wise Ones who attended the graduation ceremony with their grandchildren, children, spouses have experienced moments filled with emotion and excitement.</strong></p><p>&#160;<br/></p><p></p><div>The graduation ceremony of &quot;Wisdom Program&quot; which is open to everyone who is over 60-years-old with a high school diploma has happened. In this year, 27 people has graduated from this program which aimed to emphasize the concept of aging in Türkiye by reshaping the importance of being in a healthy, active and wisdom in aging. To the students who continued to their studies, they received educations in many fields such as health, philosophy, music, sport, art, physics.</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="4"><strong>&quot;They give classes in various fields in 6 hours per week.&quot;</strong></div><div>Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Lecturer Ali Efe Iralı from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Istanbul Aydın University who expressed that the academicians provide education in the program, stated, &quot;People over 60-years-old attend classes two days a week, three hours each day. This means they receive approximately six hours of lessons per week in many fields. These fields including mathematics, philosophy, communication, theater, dance, music, health, and many more. There are so many reasons for implementing this program. First of all, we want to break their daily routines by enabling them to socialize. We aim to help them access social life in different ways. Our second reason is to eliminate some of the negative effects indirectly occurred by aging. This year, we are graduating our first students.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="5"><strong>&quot;40 individuals have joined the program.&quot;</strong></div><div>Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Efe Iralı continued to his words; &quot;40 individuals have joined the program, however 27 of them have graduated. We have a quota of 40 people in every year. Individuals can apply to Wisdom Program over our university&#39;s website. We prefer individuals with high school diploma in order curriculum to be understandable. Our graduates&#39; education year was very successful. They are even people who don&#39;t want to graduate and they keep asking &quot;how should we continue to the program?&quot; So, we are working on that.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="6"><strong>Çelebi who is 70 years old; &quot;I have gained great friends, I felt younger.&quot;</strong></div><div>Dentist Cevat Çelebi who is 70 years old stated, &quot;I have a 42-year of practice life. 2 years ago, I stopped being a dentist and I came here with a friend&#39;s advice. Firstly, I have found great friends from here. Learnt what I don&#39;t know, and refreshed things that I know. Our young women and our young men have given us different informations. I felt younger here. I am delighted.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="7"><strong>&quot;We graduated together with my wife.&quot;</strong></div><div>Çelebi who expressed that he got benefit from the program, stated that &quot;For example, I had a prostate issue and I learned about it here, went for tests, learned the results. I learned communication. Now that I graduated, I feel a void. I kept saying &quot;Why did it end, we could have continued a bit more.&quot; I came here with my wife, and we graduated together. I think everyone should come and participate in this program. Their days, lives and perspectives will change.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="8"><strong>Oral who is 74 years old; &quot;I felt like a fish out of water after I retired.&quot;</strong></div><div>A retired teacher Leman Oral who is 74 years old and joined the program stated &quot;It is never too late to learn and there is no limit of knowledge. With the awareness of this, I joined the program. When I heard about it, I ran to here because after my retirement, I felt like a fish out of water. I missed the students, the tweets in a school and the scent of a school. So, I joined this program and started as a student. I felt happy. It was a great process. Even if I stay in Erenköy, I came here everyday from the Anatolian Side. We have learned many things in here but sadly, it&#39;s already finished. We forget what we learned about when we stay insides. This place gave me social life. In order to protect ourselves from the diseases that our age group are afraid of, this program is really impressive.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="9"><strong>Balta who is 67 years old; &quot;I would join again.&quot;</strong></div><div>A 67-year-old retired banker Güler Balta stated &quot;I worked in a bank for 20 years. I would work for another 20 years however, unfortunately I retired. Then, I couldn&#39;t find anything to do. I am doing arts. I have made a presentation especially about opera in this program. It&#39;s really different here. I have learned in here that people are really debarred from the knowledge and that we ought to gain new knowledge lifelong. I have especially learned that I need to be careful about health and that I need to diet. I would join again because I have a combatant soul.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="10"><strong>&quot;It was a magnificent experience for me.&quot;</strong></div><div>Nisa Aytekin, a third-year student who is studying in the department of Animated Cartoon has mentoring in the Wisdom Program. Aytekin stated &quot;Me and my friend, we have given arts classes to the wise ones. In this program, we explained technical drawing skills, shading, and how to draw certain geometric shapes. Thankfully, they participated in the lessons very eagerly. It was an magnificent experience for me. They have an incredibly beautiful energy. I learned a lot from them too.&quot;<br/></div><p><br/></p><p> <br/> </p><p> <br/> </p><p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/bilgelik-programi-ilk-mezunlarini-verdi-23-05-2024/BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET%20(1).jpeg" alt="BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET (1).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/bilgelik-programi-ilk-mezunlarini-verdi-23-05-2024/BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET%20(2).jpeg" alt="BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET (2).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/bilgelik-programi-ilk-mezunlarini-verdi-23-05-2024/BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET%20(3).jpeg" alt="BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET (3).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/bilgelik-programi-ilk-mezunlarini-verdi-23-05-2024/BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET%20(4).jpeg" alt="BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET (4).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/bilgelik-programi-ilk-mezunlarini-verdi-23-05-2024/BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET%20(5).jpeg" alt="BILGELIK_PROGRAMI_MEZUNIYET (5).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/><br/></p><p> <br/> </p><br/><br/>



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