<img alt="" src="/haberler/PublishingImages/FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN SABANCI-(4).jpeg" width="910" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">



<p>​</p><p> </p><div rtenodeid="3"><strong>Awarded author and businessperson Aslıhan Koruyan Sabancı shared her experiences and gave some advice by gathering with students at the first event of &quot;Changemakers Academy&quot; which aims to bring prominent and students together.&#160;</strong></div><div><strong>Aslıhan Koruyan Sabancı emphasized not giving up when mistakes are made for the path of success as a vital factor.&#160;</strong><br/></div><p>&#160;</p><p></p><div>Academy which was founded under the leadership of our university, aims to create awareness by gathering prominent and students together. Awarded author and businessperson Aslıhan Koruyan Sabancı shared her experiences and gave some pieces of advice by gathering with students at the first event organized by Changemakers Academy.&#160;</div><div rtenodeid="7"><br rtenodeid="8"/></div><div rtenodeid="9"><strong>&quot;Giving society a new perspective or engraving perspective in&quot;</strong></div><div>President of the academy Dr. Lecturer Murat Adil Selepçioğlu, who said he has the goal of transferring the consciousness of awareness to society via youngsters, said &quot;Awarnes creating consciousness needs to engrained into future generations. The approach of this awareness that we thought needs to be started at universities, we are going to exert effort to spread via youngsters in other words to the general society, with some events. This is the first event and today we will be hosted by Miss Aslıhan Koruyan Sabancı. At the events from now on we want to continue with leaders who are innovators and can create awareness and specifically who can transfer the mindset of awareness to future generations by transferring tomorrow&#39;s bright generations. The essential issue is giving new perspectives or engraining perspectives in society or people who have innovative mindsets. Hence sectoral leaders are okay but the crucial incident is gathering leaders who have awareness and creating consciousness with students will be our main campaign.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="6"><strong>&quot;As both mother and businessperson, I will make recommendations, success begins in family&quot;&#160;</strong></div><div>Aslıhan Koruyan Sabancı mentioned experiences and recommendations that she will give before the interview she gave before the event.&#160;</div><div>Sharing her views for those who want to achieve success, Sabancı said:</div><div><br/></div><div>&quot;I have two children, one at university age and one in middle school. Therefore, I will give advice both as a mother and as a business person. The first success starts with the family. What we learn from the family, and the values we take from there, are our building blocks. Then we blend and grow with our valuable teachers and dear friends we meet at school. The school environment is a very important institution for them to grow, make mistakes, improve themselves, ask questions, satisfy their curiosity and chart their path. Let them take what they can, education never ends on the journey of life. Let them have hobbies because hobbies are also very good tools that contribute to their development. There are many supporters on this journey, especially in such beautiful institutions and academic environments. Because these are the sources of accurate information. We should always access the right information from the right source, not waste time with the wrong sources, and trust our inner voice, our ethical values and our higher self when we wonder &#39;What should I do? We should always work hard, and when our motivation drops, we should find that inner strength in ourselves through our hobbies or in some other way and start again.&quot;</div><div><br/></div><div rtenodeid="5"><strong>&quot;We shouldn&#39;t give up and evaluate the critics positively&quot;&#160;</strong></div><div>Underlining that one should not give up, especially when mistakes are made, Sabancı concluded her words as follows:</div><div><br/></div><div>&quot;We shouldn&#39;t give up and try again and again, and again. Actually, we are getting used to while in infancy because we can remember how many times we fell while walking. We experience the same thing in the school environments as well as in exams. We need to evaluate opportunities to see where we make mistakes. In fact, every critic is the opportunity to fix themselves. We shouldn&#39;t take critics personally and individually and evaluate positively &#39;That&#39;s how we need to get together&#39; and improve ourselves on that path.&quot;<br/></div><p><br/></p><p> <br/> </p><p> <br/> </p><p style="text-align: center;"> <img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/fark-yaratanlar-akademisi-aslihan-sabanciyi-agirladi-23-05-2024/FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN%20SABANCI%20(2).jpeg" alt="FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN SABANCI (2).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/fark-yaratanlar-akademisi-aslihan-sabanciyi-agirladi-23-05-2024/FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN%20SABANCI%20(3).jpeg" alt="FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN SABANCI (3).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/>&#160;<img src="/haberler/PublishingImages/Pages/fark-yaratanlar-akademisi-aslihan-sabanciyi-agirladi-23-05-2024/FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN%20SABANCI%20(1).jpeg" alt="FARK_YARATANLAR_AKADEMISI_ASLIHAN SABANCI (1).jpeg" style="margin: 5px; width: 250px;"/><br/></p><p> <br/> </p><p> <br/> </p><br/>



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