Processing Of Personal Data



As required by the "Personal Data Protection Law" No. 6698, Istanbul Aydin University realizes the collection, processing of usage purpose, transferring, preservation period of personal data together with data confidentiality and the responsibility of protection activities within the scope of the related law and legislation. With this purpose, the university takes the utmost safety precautions and informs you regarding your rights.


In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, No. 6698 (hereafter referred to as PDP Law in this Informative Text) that is in effect since 7 April 2016, your personal data will be processed by Istanbul Aydin University (hereafter referred to as the University in this Informative Text) within the scope of the below description.


Personal Data Protection Law, No. 6698 encompasses regulations regarding the processing of any data related to "identified or identifiable natural persons". The law may be updated from time to time in accordance with changing conditions and legislations. An update will be announced on Istanbul Aydin University website, University Information System (UBIS) and via e-mail, if any.


The 5th and 6th articles of the PDP Law regulate the conditions regarding the processing of personal data and personal data of special nature. Personal data relating to the race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other belief, clothing, membership to associations, foundations or trade-unions, health, sexual life, convictions and security measures, and the biometric and genetic data are deemed to be personal data of special nature. The 5th article of the law regulates the conditions for processing of personal data that is not of special nature whereas the 6th article of the law regulates the conditions for processing of personal data of special nature.

In accordance with the 5th article of the PDP Law, the conditions for processing of personal data that is not of special nature are as follows;

* Personal data cannot be processed without the explicit consent of the data subject.

* Data processing is clearly provided for by the laws.

* Data processing is mandatory for the protection of life or physical integrity of the person or of any other person who is bodily incapable of giving his consent or whose consent is not deemed legally valid.

* Processing of personal data belonging to the parties of a contract, is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or fulfilment of that contract.

* It is mandatory for the controller to be able to perform his legal obligations.

* The data concerned is made available to the public by the data subject himself.

* Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right.

* It is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the controller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

In accordance with the 6th article of the PDP Law, the conditions for processing of personal data of special nature are as follows;

* Personal data cannot be processed without the explicit consent of the data subject.

* Processing Personal data of special nature (relating to the race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other belief, clothing, membership to associations, foundations or trade-unions, convictions and security measures, and the biometric and genetic data except health and sexual life) is clearly provided for by the laws

* Personal data relating to health and sexual life may only be processed, without seeking explicit consent of the data subject, by any person or authorized public institutions and organizations that have confidentiality obligation, for the purposes of protection of public health, operation of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and nursing services, planning and management of health-care services as well as their financing.

Within the scope of these conditions, your data are archived, processed and used in electronic or physical environments by taking the required safety, confidentiality and legal precautions within the limits of the purposes indicated below;

Sustaining and improving the educational activities as well as the administrative and academic processes of our University, benefiting from these services within the scope of educational activities; sustaining student registrations; planning and realizing the required activities for the recommendation, promotion and presentation of the education and the services provided by the university to 3rd parties such as related person/institutions; conducting human resources policies such as suitable personnel procurement for the positions needed by our university or forming personnel files and execution of the related processes; fulfilling all the legal responsibilities within the frame of Labor Law, Social Security Law,  Occupational health and Safety and taking necessary precautions in this respect; within the scope of the agreements or ongoing activities that are conducted with natural and legal entities with whom the university has a business relationship, fulfilling the legal and commercial responsibilities, fulfilling the responsibilities of the agreements that are made by the university with business partners, solution partners, customers and suppliers, protecting these rights, commercial and legal evaluation processes, sustaining the financial affairs; the execution of University research projects, social responsibility activities, sales processes  (demand, offer, evaluation, order, creating a budget, contract, payment); the safety and supervision of the University locations together with the protection of the lives and the properties of its students/employees/visitors; fulfilling the legal responsibilities, legal and/or administrative all institutional and/or corporate demands, legislations and/or necessities stated by the related institution or foundation; conducting statistical work such as listing-reporting-analysis.


Within the frame of the personal data processing conditions and purposes indicated in the 8th and 9th articles of the PDP Law, using its data controller title, the University can transfer your personal data to university students and the university alumni, University authorities and departments, third parties, national and international all kinds of institutions and foundations including the contracted university business partners and suppliers, all kinds of institutions, foundations and/or companies partnered for the purpose of ensuring the fulfillment and protection of student rights and responsibilities within the scope of internship/practical education that is provided in different departments within the university or outside of the university; Anatolia Education and Cultural Foundation (AKEV), Personal Data Protection Committee, Social Security Institution, all ministries and Higher Education Institution, authorized government offices, judicial bodies, special person and/ or institutions; for the purpose of the realization of required activities by the related departments in order to enable students, employees and related persons benefit from the product and services offered by the University; planning and the execution of University's education policies and processes; executing the academic and administrative activities, ensuring the commercial and legal safety of persons/companies who are in a business relationship with the university; ensuring the physical safety and supervision of the inner and outer locations of University facilities and buildings; executing the legal, financial and administrative adaptation processes; performing the financial, legal and administrative duties, planning and the execution of human resources policies and processes.



Your personal data is collected in line with the purposes indicated above for the purpose of offering our services and in this respect, for completely and accurately fulfilling the responsibilities of our University which originate from the contract and the law. Your collected personal data can be processed and transferred for the purposes indicated in the 3rd and 4th articles of this text within the scope of the personal data protection conditions and the purposes indicated in the 5th and 6th articles of the PDP Law.

Within the scope of legal reasons, your personal data is collected through any kind of verbal (any declaration etc.) or written material (tests, job application form, contact forms, guest entrance forms etc.) or contact through call center or electronic environment, the id certificate you have provided, student clubs, alumni foundation, website, social media platforms, university website, mobile applications and the camera recording systems available in our campus.



According to the 11th article of the PDP Law, each person has the right to apply to the data controller (to our University) and

* to learn whether his personal data are processed or not,

* to request information if his personal data are processed,

* to learn the purpose of his data processing and whether this data is used for intended purposes,

* to know the third parties to whom his personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

* to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any, and to request notification of the operations carried out to third parties to whom his personal data has been transferred,

* to request the erasure or destruction of his personal data under the condition that the reasons which require data processing are discharged and to request notification of the operations carried out to third parties to whom his personal data has been transferred,

* to object to the processing, exclusively by automatic means, of his personal data, which leads to an unfavorable consequence for the data subject,

* to request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his personal data.


As required by the 1st sub-paragraph of the 13th article of PDP Law, you can make an application for using the above indicated rights of yours by filling out the Data Subject Form that is found on our University website ( and submitting a signed copy of this form together with required identifying information and your demand which includes your explanation with respect to the right you want to benefit from, among your rights that are stated in the 11th article of PDP Law to;


1-) the address of 'İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi, Beşyol Mah.İnönü Cad. No:38 Küçükçekmece/İstanbul' personally using your identity certifications, or

2-) through notary channel or other methods indicated in PDP Law, or

3-) You may deliver the related form to the [email protected] with safe electronic signature.

Depending on the qualification of your demand, your applications will be finalized within thirty days free of charge; however, in case of an additional cost, the University reserves its right to demand a fee depending on the tariff to be determined by its Personal Data Protection Committee.


 >> Istanbul Aydın University Data Subject Application Form





Dear data subject;

As stated by the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("PDPL"), personal data encompasses all the information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Within this context herein, your personal data can be processed, stored, saved and when necessary updated in the University Information System (UBIS) by Istanbul Aydin University as the data controller. Except the specific situations indicated in the Informative Text and within the limits of the law and legislations, the data can be imparted/transferred to the 3rd parties and can be processed in ways indicated in PDP Law.

As required by the 11th article of the PDP Law, anyone may apply to our university and;

a) Learn whether or not her/his personal data have been processed;

b) Request information in case her/his data have been processed;

c) Learn the purpose of processing of the personal data and whether data are used in accordance with the purpose;

d) Know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred;

e) Request rectification in case personal data are processed incompletely or inaccurately;

h) Request compensation for the damages in case the person incurs damages due to unlawful processing of personal data

In line with the declaration of Istanbul Aydin University above and the attached Informative Text, as required by PDP Law, I explicitly permit the personal data or information (containing special quality personal data) I have shared with Istanbul Aydin University to be used for;

 Sustaining and improving the educational activities as well as the administrative and academic processes of our University, benefiting from these services within the scope of educational activities; sustaining student registrations; planning and realizing the required activities for the recommendation, promotion and presentation of the education and the services provided by the university to 3rd parties such as related person/institutions; conducting human resources policies such as suitable personnel procurement for the positions needed by our university or forming personnel files and execution of the related processes; fulfilling all the legal responsibilities within the frame of Labor Law, Social Security Law,  Occupational health and Safety and taking necessary precautions in this respect; within the scope of the agreements or ongoing activities that are conducted with natural and legal entities with whom the university has a business relationship, fulfilling the legal and commercial responsibilities, fulfilling the responsibilities of the agreements that are made by the university with business partners, solution partners, customers and suppliers, protecting these rights, commercial and legal evaluation processes, sustaining the financial affairs; the execution of University research projects, social responsibility activities, sales processes  (demand, offer, evaluation, order, creating a budget, contract, payment); the safety and supervision of the University locations together with the protection of the lives and the properties of its students/employees/visitors; fulfilling the legal responsibilities, legal and/or administrative all institutional and/or corporate demands, legislations and/or necessities stated by the related institution or foundation; conducting statistical work such as listing-reporting-analysis; realization of the required activities by the related departments in order to let students, employees and related persons benefit from the product and services offered by the University; planning and the execution of University's education policies and processes; executing the academic and administrative activities, ensuring the commercial and legal safety of persons/companies who are in a business relationship with the university; ensuring the physical safety and supervision of the inner and outer locations of University facilities and buildings; executing the legal, financial and administrative adaptation processes; performing the financial, legal and administrative duties.

Within the frame of the personal data processing conditions and purposes indicated in the 8th and 9th articles of the PDP Law and reserving my rights within the scope of the legislation, I explicitly permit my data to be transferred to students and the university alumni, University authorities and departments, third parties, national and international all kinds of institutions and foundations including the contracted university business partners and suppliers, all kinds of institutions, foundations and/or companies partnered for the purpose of ensuring the fulfillment and protection of student rights and responsibilities within the scope of internship/practical education that is provided in different departments within the university or outside of the university; Anatolia Education and Cultural Foundation (AKEV), Personal Data Protection Committee, Social Security Institution, all ministries and Higher Education Institution, authorized government offices, judicial bodies, special person and/ or institutions.

I accept the imposed sanctions by the related 3rd parties, data subjects or Personal Data Protection Committee and other administrative and judicial bodies before Istanbul Aydin University in case the data I have shared with Istanbul Aydin University is found to be illegally obtained and/or obtained without the explicit consent of its subject. In case the University suffers a loss for this reason herein, I declare full responsibility for all kinds of penal and/or legal sanctions and all kinds of damage compensation. I accept, declare and warrant that I have read and examined the above informative text on the date stated below and consented on all of the above indicated issues knowingly and comprehendingly. I, with my free will, accept, declare and warrant that I consent my personal data to be processed, used and transferred as defined within the scope of the PDP Law.

This declaration of consent herein is valid unless I personally declare otherwise in written form.


güncelleme: 11.6.2024 13:21