• medical-.avif
  • The Thoracic Surgery department is a specialized medical division that focuses on the surgical treatment of diseases and conditions affecting the organs within the thoracic cavity. This includes the lungs, esophagus, mediastinum, chest wall, and diaphragm. Thoracic surgeons are highly trained professionals who perform a variety of surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage thoracic diseases.
  • Here are some key aspects and functions of the Thoracic Surgery department:
  • I. Lung Surgery:
  1. Lung Resection: Thoracic surgeons perform lung resection procedures to remove lung tumors, such as lung cancer or metastatic lesions. This may involve segmentectomy (removal of a specific segment of the lung), lobectomy (removal of a lobe), or pneumonectomy (removal of an entire lung). These surgeries aim to eradicate or control the spread of cancer and restore lung function.
  2. Lung Transplantation: Thoracic surgeons play a critical role in lung transplantation procedures for patients with end-stage lung disease. They assess candidates for transplantation, perform the surgical removal of the diseased lungs, and implant the donor lungs. Post-transplant care and monitoring are also essential aspects of their role.
  3. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS): Thoracic surgeons utilize minimally invasive techniques, such as VATS, to perform lung surgeries. VATS involves making small incisions and using a video camera and specialized instruments to access and operate on the lungs. This approach reduces pain, promotes faster recovery, and results in smaller scars compared to traditional open surgery.
  • II. Esophageal Surgery:
  1. Esophagectomy: Thoracic surgeons perform esophagectomy to remove part or all of the esophagus affected by cancer, strictures, or other conditions. This procedure may involve the removal of the affected portion of the esophagus, followed by reconstruction using a segment of the patient's own intestine or stomach.
  2. Anti-reflux Surgery: Thoracic surgeons can perform anti-reflux procedures, such as fundoplication, to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). These surgeries aim to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter and prevent acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.
  • III. Mediastinal Surgery:
  1. Thymectomy: Thoracic surgeons perform thymectomy to remove the thymus gland, commonly used in the treatment of thymomas (tumors of the thymus gland) or myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disorder. This procedure can be performed using open surgery or minimally invasive techniques.
  2. Mediastinal Tumor Resection: Thoracic surgeons remove tumors that develop in the mediastinum, the space between the lungs. These tumors can include thymomas, lymphomas, germ cell tumors, or neurogenic tumors. Surgical resection is often necessary for diagnosis, tumor control, and management of associated symptoms.
  • IV. Chest Wall and Diaphragm Surgery:
  1. Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction: Thoracic surgeons may perform surgical resection of portions of the chest wall affected by tumors, trauma, or infections. Reconstruction techniques, such as the use of prosthetic materials or muscle flaps, may be employed to restore chest wall integrity and function.
  2. Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair: Thoracic surgeons repair diaphragmatic hernias, which occur when abdominal organs protrude into the chest cavity through a defect in the diaphragm. Surgical intervention aims to reposition the abdominal contents and close the diaphragmatic defect.
  • V. Research and Collaboration: Thoracic surgeons actively engage in research activities to advance the field of thoracic surgery. They contribute to clinical trials, develop innovative surgical techniques, and explore novel treatment approaches to improve patient outcomes. They also collaborate with other specialists, such as pulmonologists, oncologists, and radiologists, to provide multidisciplinary care for patients with thoracic diseases.
  • The Thoracic Surgery department plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases and conditions affecting the thoracic cavity. Through surgical interventions and advancements in techniques, thoracic surgeons aim to improve patient outcomes, enhance quality of life, and provide comprehensive care for individuals with thoracic diseases.
  • Our Mission
  • To deliver high quality patient care, to contribute to innovations in medicine through basic research, translational research and clinical outcome studies, and to educate medical students and postgraduate trainees to insure an adequate supply of surgeons for the future.

  • Our Vision
  • International leader in thoracic surgery research, education, clinical care and innovation.

       Prof. Dr. Güven OLGAÇ
       Faculty Member of Department (Eng.)
       E-mail: [email protected]
       Phone: 444-1-428 / 50010

güncelleme: 13.5.2024 15:31