Lesson plan /

Lesson Information

Course Credit
Course ECTS Credit
Teaching Language of Instruction Rusça
Level of Course Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Type of Course
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience?
Course Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. JALE COŞKUN
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course This course aims to provide the students with the ability to understand the classics of XIX Century Russian Literature, which they will read in Russian; to deliver their comments on those, with a critical approach; to comprehend the characteristics of Russian Literature.
Course Content This course introduces the XIX Century Russian Literature, and is a brief overview of this era. Students get familiar with the various movements - such as metaphysical, epicurean, revolutionist, and philosophical - of Russian Romanticism, which had emerged at the beginning of XIX Century, and developed, and the best writers associated with this era. Students examine the literary works by way of of analyzing and synthesizing, find out the differences among the styles, and learn the general criteria for criticising.

Weekly Course Subjects

1Понятие о художественной литературе. Значение художественной литературы. Наукa о литературе.
2Роды и жанры художественной литературы.
3Русская литература Х - ХVIII веков.
4Русская литература ХVIII века. Классицизм.
5Творчество М.В. Ломоносова, Г.Д.Державина.
6Русская литература ХVIII века. Сентиментализм. Творчество Н.М. Карамзина.
7Творчество Д.И.Фонвизина, А.Н.Радишева
8Русская литература ХVIII века. Реализм.
9Творчество В.А.Жуковского.
10Творчество А.С.Пушкина.
11Творчество И.А.Крылова.
12Творчество М.Ю.Лермонтова.
13Творчество Н.В.Гоголя.
14Творчество И.С. Тургенева.


1-1-Lecturer's own notes