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Lesson Information

Course Credit
Course ECTS Credit
Teaching Language of Instruction Türkçe
Level of Course Associate's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 5, EQF-LLL: Level 5, QF-EHEA: Short Cycle
Type of Course
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience?
Course Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. HAYRETTİN GÜLBİN
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant Book, Computer, Projection

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course To provide students with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on marketing environment and relationships, marketing research, target market selection, marketing mix and after-sales services.
Course Content Basic information about marketing, Market and marketing environment, their relationships and analysis of macro and micro environmental factors, Consumer decision-making process. Internal (psychological) and external (socio-cultural) factors affecting consumer behavior, Market and marketing research, Market segmentation, positioning and selection of target market, Demand forecasting methods, Product design, Product life cycle and applicable strategies, Regarding the product, Brand , packaging, labeling and their applicable strategies, Pricing, factors affecting pricing, pricing methods and pricing policies, Distribution, distribution channels, Distribution channels and elements and Physical distribution, Promotion: Promotion decisions and strategies. Promotion functions, After-sales services

Weekly Course Subjects

11) Marketing concept, definition, and importance. 2) Marketing mix (4Ps). 3) Concepts of need, desire, demand, exchange
21) Environmental conditions of marketing, 2) features of marketing, 3) development of marketing: * Production concept, * Product understanding, *Sales concept, *Marketing concept and *Social marketing concepts. 4) Basic differences between Sales and Marketing approach
31) Consumer and customer concepts 2) Customer Relationship Management, 3) Market concept and types. 4))Growth strategies of the business (Market Penetration, Market Development, Product Development, Diversification Strategies)
41) Market Segmentation Concept and Definition 2) Benefits and drawbacks of compartmentalization, 3) Effectiveness conditions of market segmentation, 4) Criteria, and strategies used in market segmentation. * Demographic segmentation, *Geographical, *Psychographic, *Segmentation by product.
51) Target market concept and strategies, advantages and disadvantages: 2) Target Market Strategy Types: *Undifferentiated marketing, *Differentiated marketing, *concentrated (Niche) marketing, *Micro marketing strategies
61) Factors Affecting the Selection of Target Market and Strategies, the conditions required for their implementation 2) Positioning: Definition, types, and positioning examples
7PRODUCT: 1) Description of the Product 2) Levels of the product 3) Product line and product mix concepts 4) Classification of products: According to their purpose (Consumer goods and Industrial goods) 5) Classification of Products According to Shopping Habits, * Convenience Goods *Shopping Goods * Speciality Goods * Unsought Goods (Definitions, features, explanation with examples)
81) Consumer and Industrial goods definitions, differences, and explanations with examples. 2) Factors that cause changes in the product mix 3) Definition of the product life cycle concept and its graphic explanation 4) Characteristics of the periods in the life course of the product (in terms of product, sales, profitability, costs, production, distribution, promotion, intermediaries and consumers, and competition): *Introduction Period * Growth Period * Maturity period * Decline period
10BRAND 1) Definition 2) Benefits of using a brand: In terms of Business, Consumption and Society 2) Features of a good brand name 3) Packaging 4) Service, Quality PRICE 1) Definition and Pricing Methods 2) Pricing Methods (According to cost, demand) 3) Determination of the Final Price: Psychological, Promotional, Discounted, Differentiative Pricing 4) New Product Pricing Strategies (Market Penetration and Market Skimming Strategies)
11PROMOTION 1) Integrated Marketing Communications and Promotion Mix 2) Promotion Methods and Features * Personal Selling * Advertising * Public relations *Sales Promotion (Sales Development) *Direct Marketing 3) Promotion Mix Strategies: Push and Pull Strategies 4) Factors Affecting the Selection of Promotional Mix
12DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS, LOGISTICS 1) Distribution channel and logistics concepts, their importance and functions 2) Direct and Indirect Distribution concepts 3) Reasons for using the tool 3) Selection of distribution channel
13DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS AND LOGISTICS 4) Distribution Policies 5) Conflict in Distribution Channels: Horizontal and Vertical Conflict Concepts
141) Logistics Concept: Meaning, Benefits, Functions 2) Wholesaling and Retailing: Definitions, Functions, Types


1.İsmet Mucuk-Pazarlama İlkeleri (Principles of Marketing)