Second Foreign Language Courses



"One does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language."

                                                                 Emil M. Cioran


In 1995, the European Commission for Education issued a declaration announcing the principle that citizens of the European Union should have an adequate knowledge of at least two European languages besides their mother tongue. The aim is to achieve scientific, cultural, political and economic unity in Europe, which consists of different languages and cultures.

Istanbul Aydın University offers courses in various languages including German, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. These courses run for 3 days per week, 3 hours each day from 17:00 to 20:00, throughout the academic year. At the end of the course, students who pass the exam earn a B1 certificate. The courses are free. The curriculum, aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, aims to improve listening, understanding, speaking, and writing skills. The course syllabi also provide an opportunity to explore the related culture.

The aim of these courses is to endear students to the target language and demonstrate the importance of a second language in their future lives. It also offers them the chance to learn about and compare different cultures.

Courses designed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages aim to provide students with language skills appropriate to their levels. In a globalized world, each language you learn enhances your communication links, advancing your social and career life. In today's environment, it is crucial not only to have a good level of English but also to learn another language. Choosing a second language aligned with your career goals will enhance your job opportunities within your sector and help you reach your career targets.

güncelleme: 3.7.2024 13:48