Outgoing Staff

How to Apply


There is an obligation to deliver at least 8 hours of teaching. A minimum duration of 2 working days is strongly recommended to provide a meaningful contribution to the teaching programme and international academic life at the host institution. Shorter periods should be exceptional. The maximum duration is 8 weeks.


The duration of the training period should be from 2 working days up to 8 weeks. There is an obligation to participate at least 2 days of training activities at the host institution to be able to eligible for funding.

A complete teaching programme/Work Plan and an invitation letter from the host institution must be submitted to the Erasmus Office before the application deadline. The mentioned teaching programme/Work Plan can be found from the Documents part of this web page. 

Application And Selection

The Selection of the Staff will be done by an Assessment Commission which will be formed by the Rectorate. The Commission evaluates the applications carefully, by considering the call for proposals announced by the European Commission annually and the rules- priorities established by the Turkish National Agency.
Staff must be employed at Istanbul Aydin University – honorary lecturers are not normally eligible
Priority will be given to:
  • Staff who have not previously received Erasmus staff mobility funding
  • Visits which can combine training with visiting students currently on exchange/ traineeships

The application must demonstrate clear objectives and a provisional teaching/training programme covering at least the minimum number of teaching/training hours.

The application should also indicate how the visit will contribute to the wider strategic goals of the Service/ College/School/University for Internationalisation.

Application process and timings

  • Dean of Faculty / Head of Service for initial approval of your proposed mobility and absence (ensuring any teaching/ work responsibilities can be covered)
  • Complete the Application form
  • Submit your application form to the Dean of Faculty / Head of Service for their approval and signature
  • Submit the fully si​gned application to the Erasmus office by the time announced by Erasmus Office (via internal mail or scanned by email to [email protected] )
  • You will be notified of the status of your application no later than 4 weeks after the Erasmus+ Staff Commission's decision.

  • Subject to funding availability, there might be a second application round that will be announced. This page will be updated during the academic year to confirm whether there is still funding available.

Before Leaving IAU

Step by Step Application System
Upon Application:  
Online application via https://turnaportal.ua.gov.tr.The following documents must be added before the deadline of the application period:
  1. Application Form (Approved by Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator/Head of Department/Dean of Faculty)
  2. Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training Mobilty Agreement (Signed and Stamped by Host Institution/Organization)
  3. Letter of Acceptance (Signed and Stamped by Host Institution/Organization)
  4. Language Certificate

Prior to Departure:

  1. Bank Account (Euro)
  2. Visa Letter (if needed, provided from Erasmus+ Office)
  3. Copy of Passport
  4. Copy of Visa
  5. Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Staff Mobility

Upon Return:

  1. Final Report submitted
  2. Certificate of Attendance submitted
  3. Boarding Pass

Before leaving IAU, the staff must sign a Financial Contract, which is completed by Erasmus Office. This document must indicate how the contribution of the European Community (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility grant) is to be paid.

Erasmus+ Mobility grants are provided as contributions towards subsistence and are not intended to cover all living costs abroad.

Bank Details Form
Staff are required to fill in the bank details forms and present them before the start of their teaching/training mobility, so as to receive the Erasmus+ grant. The grant contribution will be paid in two instalments: 80% 30 days after the financial contract has been signed; the remaining 20% within 45 days of the end of the staff mobility period, provided that all documents have been duly delivered. The contribution will be paid by bank transfer.


Erasmus+ provides funding for staff mobility as a grant contribution towards subsistence and travel.

Apart from the Erasmus+   Grant per day, selected participants will also receive travel support.

Travel grants maximums are set according to the distance travelled at the following rates:http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm

Ülke GruplarıHareketlilikte Gidilen ÜlkelerGünlük Hibe Miktarları (€)**
Grup 1

Danimarka, Finlandiya, İrlanda, İsveç, İzlanda, Lihtenştayn, Lüksemburg, Norveç

14. Bölge Ülkeleri

Grup 2Almanya, Avusturya, Belçika, Fransa, Güney Kıbrıs, Hollanda, İspanya, İtalya, Malta, Portekiz, Yunanistan
13. Bölge Ülkeleri
Grup 3Bulgaristan, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Estonya, Hırvatistan, Kuzey Makedonya, Letonya, Litvanya, Macaristan, Polonya, Romanya, Sırbistan, Slovakya, Slovenya, 126
Diğer Ülkeler 1-12. Bölge Ülkeleri 180

Katılımcılar seyahat maliyetlerini karşılamak için aşağıda belirtilen desteği alacaklardır:

Seyahat MesafeleriTutar (€)Yeşil Seyahat Hibe Tutarı (€)*
10-99 km arasında23*
100 ile 499 KM arasında180210
500 ile 1999 KM arasında275320
2000 ile 2999 KM arasında360410
3000 ile 3999 KM arasında530610
4000 ile 7999 KM arasında820*
8000 KM ve üzeri1500*
  • *Yeşil Seyahat türünde seyahat tercih eden personele seyahat günleri için 4 güne kadar bireysel destek verilir.
  • *Yeşil seyahat araçlarının (tren, otobüs, paylaşımlı araba, tekne) kullanılması durumunda uygulanır.
  • *Yeşil seyahat yöntemleri, temelde uçak ve gemi yolculuğu dışındaki bütün ulaşım yöntemlerini (tren, otobüs, paylaşımlı araç kullanımı, bisiklet, tekne vb.) kapsamaktadır.

Katılımcılara yeşil seyahat desteği ödemesi yapılabilmesi için:

  • Seyahatin ana unsurunun çevreci seyahat yöntemleri kullanılarak yapılması,
  • Kurumun bulunduğu ülkeye gidiş-dönüş yolculuğunun büyük bir kısmının yukarıda bahsedilen çevreci seyahat yöntemleri ile gerçekleştirilmiş olması,
  • Yolculuğun belgelerle kanıtlanması gerekmektedir.
  • Sadece gidiş ya da sadece dönüşte yeşil seyahat yöntemleri kullanılması veya yolculuğun sadece bir bölümünde bu yöntemlerin kullanılması desteğin sağlanması için yeterli değildir.
  • Seyahat yöntemini ve seyahat tarihlerini kanıtlayıcı belgelerin (bilet, fiş, fatura, resmi yazışma vb.) faaliyet bitiminde dönüş belgeleri ile birlikte teslim edilmesi ve yeşil seyahat desteği talebinin bildirilmesi gerekmektedir.
  • Talepleriniz kanıtlayıcı belgelerinizle birlikte faaliyet bitiminde değerlendirilecektir.

Required Documents

Internal Application formIAU İç başvuru formu.doc

Başvuru esnasında karşı kurumla yazışmalarınız yaparken kullanabileceğiniz örnek mail metni için TIKLAYINIZ Örnek email.docx

Template for Confirmation of mobility for Staff Teaching Mobility Certificate of Attendance (Teaching).doc

Template for Confirmation of mobility for Staff Training Mobility Certificate of Attendance (Training).doc

güncelleme: 17.5.2024 20:33