Open Access and Institutional Academic Archive Policy

Istanbul Aydın University aims to facilitate the dissemination and access of scientific works produced by its academic and administrative staff as well as students to wider audiences. Accordingly, the institution attemots to compile and store academic works at an institutional level by providing free, easy, and fast access to the generated knowledge, in compliance with open access standards, with the aim of transferring it to future generations and making it more widely accessible. Additionally, increasing the production of articles in high-impact factor journals, and thus enhancing the university's visibility and reputation, is also among the institutional objectives. This statement outlining our commitment and policies regarding open access and institutional academic archives is shaped within the framework of the following principles:



Transfer to Institutional Archive: Members of Istanbul Aydın University are responsible for transferring their peer-reviewed and approved articles (in compliance with the terms of agreements made with publishers) to the Institutional Archive for publication in an academic journal. The decision regarding whether the material placed in the Institutional Archive should be opened to full-text access, restricted to internal access only, or opened to access after a certain period, is determined by the authors.


Storage in Open Access System: Our faculty members approve the storage of all academic works to which they have contributed intellectually in the Istanbul Aydın University Open Access System unless restricted or completely blocked due to embargoes or similar conditions. In collaborative works, the responsibility for storage lies with the lead author.


• Copyright: Research with copyright will be archived as soon as the metadata is available, and this metadata will be made accessible from the moment of archiving.


Licensing: Within legal constraints, our members authorize the storage of their works in the Istanbul Aydın University Institutional Academic Archive System with a non-exclusive, irrevocable, and globally applicable licensing agreement that does not violate the terms of agreements made with publishers.

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:05