Sustainable Investment Policy

Istanbul Aydın University adopts an open, fair, and transparent investment policy to manage its corporate assets. The university prioritizes sustainable investments that positively impact financial performance for health, technology, research, education, and community contribution activities. These investments are based on an environmentally conscious approach outlined within the boundaries of the sustainability policy and the following principles:



Sustainable Economic Growth: Embracing an investment approach that supports long-term sustainable growth by effectively managing corporate risks.


Coordinated Consideration of Social and Financial Gains: Making investments that consider the financial gains of both society and the institution in a coordinated manner.


Prevention of Reputation and Financial Losses: Prioritizing environmental and social responsibilities to uphold business ethics and maintain a responsible corporate profile, avoiding investments that are not sensitive to environmental and social impacts that could damage the university's reputation or lead to financial losses.


• Investment in Renewable Resources: Planning and implementing investments outside the city to meet electricity consumption from renewable energy sources.

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:26