Sustainable Supply Chain Policy

The Sustainable Supply Chain Management implemented at our university integrates economic and social dimensions with environmental aspects. In the economic dimension of sustainability in supply chains, cost minimization, improvement of product quality and delivery times, reduction of workforce turnover, and benefits such as profit are prioritized. In the environmental dimension, efforts are made to reduce environmental costs, find innovative methods to deal with waste issues, and minimize waste throughout the supply chain, including hazardous chemicals, emissions, energy, and solid waste.

The Sustainable Supply Chain Policy of our university is shaped within the following principles:



•  Resource Conservation: Encouraging the more efficient use of resources, reducing waste, and lowering costs by emphasizing elements such as waste reduction and energy efficiency in sustainability efforts.

Reduction of Environmental Risks and Pollution: Implementing necessary mechanisms to reduce environmental risks and pollution.

Risk Management: Building the university's resilience against environmental, social, and economic risks.

Designing Efficient Business Processes: Making business processes more efficient and effective.

Strengthening Innovation Capacity: Increasing the university's innovative capabilities and ensuring a competitive advantage through sustainability efforts.

Improvement of Working Conditions: Upholding the rights of academic and administrative staff and improving working conditions through social sustainability efforts.

Transparency and Collaboration: Promoting transparency and collaboration in sustainable supply chain management, fostering stronger relationships among supply chain stakeholders.

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:30