Research Policy

Istanbul Aydın University aims to be an entrepreneurial university that contributes to national development by considering the needs of the region, the country, and humanity as a whole, producing science and technology together with society, and transforming knowledge into products. In line with its research policy adopted in every field of activity, our university prioritizes the following principles under the slogan "Science with Society for Society":




Developing a Research Ecosystem: Building and enhancing a researcher identity among internal stakeholders, implementing mechanisms that promote interdisciplinary research.


• Encouraging Graduate Education: Fostering the development of qualified researchers, promoting doctoral education.


Technological Adaptation and Improvement: Establishing research infrastructure suitable for dynamic technologies, creating an interdisciplinary research environment by supporting science and art studies.


• Ensuring Value Transformation: Transforming scientific value into economic value and bringing it to society through activities such as Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Incubation Services, Intellectual Property Rights, Licensing, and Commercialization.


• Becoming a University that Connects Stakeholders through Collaborations: Establishing academic and sectoral collaborations.


• Being a Quality-Focused Research University: Becoming a university that monitors and improves efficiency and researcher performance in the research process.


• Popularizing the Research Culture at the Undergraduate Level: Implementing practices that enable undergraduate students to participate in the research process. 

güncelleme: 23.7.2024 14:09