Lesson plan /

Lesson Information

Course Credit
Course ECTS Credit
Teaching Language of Instruction Türkçe
Level of Course Bachelor's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 6, EQF-LLL: Level 6, QF-EHEA: First Cycle
Type of Course
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience?
Course Coordinator Instructor GÖKHAN GARİP
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course To provide students with basic sketching and model making skills in the field of industrial design. This course aims to develop students' creative thinking, visualization and three-dimensional modeling skills. It also helps them understand design factors such as material selection, use of color, ergonomics and usability.
Course Content It covers basic sketching techniques, perspective drawing, three-dimensional modeling methods, material and color selection, prototyping process and advanced modeling techniques. Additionally, special topics such as digital sketching, depth perception, ergonomics, and usability are also covered. During the course, students have the opportunity to practice these skills by working on different projects.

Weekly Course Subjects

1Project Introduction and Review New project introduction and description Review of students' projects and feedback process
2Depth Perception and Visualization The importance of depth perception and visualization techniques Perspective, tone and use of light and shadow Depth perception exercises for the project
3Digital Sketching Advantages and uses of digital sketching Introduction of digital sketching tools and programs Digital sketching exercises for the project
4Advanced Modeling Techniques Advanced modeling techniques (CAD, 3D printing, laser cutting, etc.) Use of different materials and application of techniques Advanced modeling exercises for the project
5Color Theory and Applications Color theory and color combinations Psychological effects of colors and their use in design Color selection and application exercises for the project
6Ergonomics and Usability Ergonomics and usability principles Human metrics and user experience factors Ergonomics and usability analysis for the project
7Reviews and Feedback Examination and evaluation of students' projects Group discussions and feedback process
8Project Progress Tracking the progress of students' projects Problems and solution suggestions Preparation for progress presentation for the project.
9Midterm Exam Week
10Project Presentations - Part 1 Presentations of students' projects - Part 1
11Project Presentations - Part 2 Presentations of students' projects - Part 2
12Project Evaluation Evaluation and grading of student projects Feedback and improvement suggestions
13Creative Production and Innovation Creative production process and innovation concepts The impact of innovation on industrial design Creative production and innovation exercises for the project
14Lesson Evaluation and Closing General evaluation of the course Student feedback Closing of the course and information about the next semester


1. Malzeme ve Tasarım Bilgisi/Prof.Dr.Fehim Fındık
2. Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımında Biçime Ulaşmak/Mehmet Naci Dedeal
3. Endüstri Tasarımı Ürün Tasarımında Adımlar/Önder Küçükerman
4. Endüstri Tasarımı Temel Kavramlar/Nigan Bayazıt