Lesson Information

Course Credit 2.0
Course ECTS Credit 3.0
Teaching Language of Instruction Türkçe
Level of Course Associate's Degree, TYYÇ: Level 5, EQF-LLL: Level 5, QF-EHEA: Short Cycle
Type of Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Face-to-face
Does the course require compulsory or optional work experience? Z
Course Coordinator Assoc. Prof. (Ph.D.) GONCA YILDIRIM ÖGE
Instructor (s)
Course Assistant

Purpose and Content

The aim of the course Different models, approaches and theories in the area of mass communication are discussed and their current economic, political, socio-cultural dimensions are also examined. In addition, the basic theoretical dimension in communication studies is approached.
Course Content Models of mass communication, mass media tools and structures, creation of messages for the masses, social, cultural and political dimensions for mass communication constitute the content of the course.

Weekly Course Subjects

2The concept and functions of mass communication
3The elements and process of mass communication, persuasion in the mass communication
4Historical development of communication studies and different approches for mass Communication; Main stream theories/models: Linear Approaches - Propaganda/hypodermic effect/magic bullet theories, Lasswell's Theory, Theory of Information
5Mainstream theories/models: Psychological and sociological Approaches - Two step flow of model, agenda setting theory, spiral of slience theory, gatekeeping theory
6A movie analysis
7Mainstream theories/models: Theory of Media Dependency, Uses and Gratifications, Cultivation Theory, Diffusion of Innovations
8McLuhan and Technological Determinism
10Mass communication, public opinion and society
11New media and information society
12Critical Approaches: Popular culture and advertising, consciousness industry, social gender, consumer society and media
13Critical Approaches: Culture Industry, Hyperreality, Production of the news, digital activism
14Case studies


1- Kitle İletişim Kuramları, Levent Yaylagül , Dipnot, 2010
2- İletişim Araştırma ve Kuramları, Şermin Tekinalp
3-İletişim Çalışmalarına Giriş, John Fiske Bilim ve Sanat, Ankara, 2003
4-Medya Kültürleri Nick Stevenson, Ütopya, 2006
5-Medya Analizlerine Giriş, Graeme Burton, Kasım 1995.
6-Kitle İletişim Modelleri, Dennis McQuail-Sven Windahl, İmge Kitabevi, 1997